10 GARDEN MISTAKES TO AVOID. Growing vegetables. Gardening guide. Kasia in garden INSTAGRAM: / kasia.in SUBSCRIBE TO MY YouTube CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/38ZEwN6 Virtual COFFEE: https://buycoffee.to/kasia.in If my content on YouTube, Blog or Instagram inspired you, helped you gain knowledge, or simply made your time more pleasant, then you can buy me a virtual coffee here in return. Products: pH-substrate acidifies and reduces soil pH https://bit.ly/3KSoo2n pH+substrate deacidifies and increases soil pH https://bit.ly/3g19s3J Electronic soil pH meter https://bit.ly/3Lfx3ur Soil pH meter strips https://bit.ly/35h1pdr Water pump https://bit.ly/3kRIGNG Extendable garden hose https://bit.ly/39oAHVC regular garden hose https://bit.ly/3zhAj3V snail repellent https://bit.ly/3yqGRPO grub repellent https://bit.ly/3KGeqQI aphid repellent https://bit.ly/3NfRTv9 Organic tomato fertilizer https://bit.ly/3p2eCBe Whiteflies, earthworms https://bit.ly/3NivRbq Copper for blight https://bit.ly/2LZKqX0 Domark for blight https://bit.ly/3FQIJmh for powdery mildew and other fungal diseases https://bit.ly/3yF08gs algae fertilizer https://bit.ly/3v1A61w Earth https://bit.ly/3x2NVi8 poles https://bit.ly/3sDuwnn HUMIC ACIDS https://bit.ly/3rCw8QU ALGAE https://bit.ly/3pLz9hi BACTERIA https://bit.ly/3DiDUlg BACTERIA FOR COMPOST https://bit.ly/3MPGIvr CALCIUM - calcium fertilizer https://bit.ly/3K9bldZ FERTILIZER Fertilizer for tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers FIRST STAGE https://bit.ly/43wTVyM FERTILIZER Fertilizer for tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers peppers STAGE TWO https://bit.ly/3OkPUck Chapters : 00:00 10 GARDEN MISTAKES THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED 01:00 #1 ERRORS IN VEGETABLE GROWING 03:15 #2 BAD LOCATION OF THE VEGETABLE GARDEN AND LACK OF COMFORT 04:13 #3 POOR ACCESS TO IRRIGATION 06:00 #4 LACK OF MULCH 07:40 #5 LACK OF EARTH TESTS 08:58 #6 LACK OR EXCESS OF FERTILIZERS 10:30 #7 PLANTING VEGETABLES THAT WE DO NOT LIKE OR TOO MANY 10:50 #8 TOO LARGE VEGETABLE GARDEN 12:55 #9 SOWING/PLANTING PLANTS TOO DENSITY 13:17 #10 LACK OF TALKING WITH EXPERIENCED GARDENERS 15:35 #11 BAD TIME TO CARE AND TRANSPLANT PLANTS 16:55 #12 WATERING ON A HOT DAY AND WITH COLD WATER 18:25 #13 PRETENDING THAT THERE ARE NO PESTS. NO PEST CONTROL 18:50 # 14 GARDENING BUGS LINKS: INSTAGRAM: / kasia.in BLOG: http://kasia.in/ FACEBOOK: / kasiain-470126739772206 MUSIC in the recordings: http://bit.ly/3behqFx You can support my channel, become my Patron: https://patronite.pl/Kasia_in My garden group on Facebook: Ogród z Kasia.in *this is a closed group, in order for me to approve your application, fill out a short survey. SUBSCRIBE TO MY YouTube CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/38ZEwN6