This is a behind-the-scenes look at Hanae Natsuki's birthday stream on June 25th. Original video • #10 [Among Us] Hanae Natsuki, a man who turned 30 [Hanae Natsuki and Ono Kensho] Register here / @mintosuk Twitter / mintoish Rough rules for live streaming (please note that failure to follow the rules may result in a ban at worst) ・Please refrain from talking about topics unrelated to the live stream or people who are not present. ・No multiple comments (short period of time from the same person or the same content) ・No abusive, slanderous or sexually harassing comments ・No advertising other channels or videos. ・No instructional comments or spoilers. Enjoy watching the streamer struggle. For more details, please check here if you are interested https://mintosu.jimdofree.com/