In this video, I've put together 10 tips that will change your fishing! I'm sure that if you're having trouble catching fish, after watching this video you'll be much more successful! There are many setups that we can use when fishing in fishing grounds, some tend to select larger fish and others are more focused on productivity, that is, catching lots of fish! This doesn't mean that a system focused on productivity won't catch giant fish, it can work! But since it's a system that has a lot of action, what the fisherman ends up finding are smaller fish that are less shy and, in a way, more desperate to eat. If you've been fishing and aren't catching many fish, this video is for you! I'm sure that by the end of the video, you'll be able to put several of these tips into practice and you'll certainly catch a lot more fish in the fishing grounds! See more fishing tips on Instagram: @rkfishing.oficial Partners and Sponsors: @albatrozfishing @massa_japonesa @titan.boias @dm_fishing About my channel: Fishing success comes in the details! Learn each one of them here!! Tips, tricks, tutorials and many secrets that no one tells you! Fishing in the most diverse fishing grounds! Catching tambacu, tambaqui, pirarara, pintado, cachara, tucunaré, pirarucu, tilapia, carp and others! With different systems, rigs and baits! Of course, you can't miss the EVA and bead tips for fishermen who enjoy fishing with bait buoys: antenna, manhozinho, boiadinho, palminho, pé de galinha and buoy and jarão! Whether with a torpedo buoy, bait buoy, bread buoy or bottom buoy, the important thing is to catch fish, have fun and pass on lots of top fishing tips for you! And whenever possible I will also post videos of fishing tournaments and tips for success! Subscribe to the Channel and activate the notification bell! #rkpescarias #rkfishing #pescaesportiva #pescaria #dicadepesca #pesqueiro