Hello friends! The video was shot quickly, do not judge strictly. To contact me, please use my WhatsApp number, and I have a telegram number linked to it: 89282145777 List of prices: 1 LeRex Dreamcatcher 300 2 DS-Vasilisa 200 3 LeRex Big love 300 4 Lilian 200 5 LeRex Scandinavia 300 6 Yukon Frost 200 7 Rohceart 200 8 DS-Powdered Sugar 200 9 Shirt Sleeves 200 10 LeRex Salamander 300 11 Malaysia 200 12 LeRex Montpassier 300 13 Helen Teupel 200 14 Masoniana 300 15 LeRex Luxury 300 16 LeRex Desire 300 17 Silver King 300 18 DS-Funny Metelitsa 200 19 Martha Stewart 300 20 DS-Night Bird 200 21 LeRex Samurai 300 22 DS-Watermelon 200 23 DS- Glamorous 200 24 Amazon Delta 300 25 NG-Corrida 200 26 Inca Fire 300 27 DS- Lukomorye 200 28 DS- Teddy 350 29 Fireworks 350 30 Daian 200 31 Fedor 350 32 Dollar Down 200 33 KA- Snow Carousel 200 34 Thai Blue 350 35 Deco Pink 350 36 DS- Dolce Vita 350 37 DS- Dress Code 350 38 KA- Rvduga 350 39 LeRex Breath of the Wind 40 Catalina Sunrise 300 41 Crispa 300 42 Pink Twist 200 43 Jive 200 44 Lime Swirl 200 45 Victoria 200 46 KA- Sakura 200 47 Green Valley 200 48 DS- Lukomorye 200 49 Palomar Prince 200 50 New Orleans Masquerade 200 51 DS- Big Heart 200 52 Silver Jewel 200 53 Evening Glow 200 54 Cumbia 200 55 Soli- Mutata 200 56 Murina 200 57 Old Blue 200 58 SizeMorea 300 59 Maculata 350 60 LeRex Autumn Kiss 350 61 DS- Oasis 200 62 scapigera 300 63 mirage 200 64 Aconitifolia 350 65 snow cup 500 66 Irian Jaya 500 67 melanobulata 500 68 lubbergei 300 69 little miss mummery 300 70 albopichta 300 71 Gardneri 300 72 white ice 300 73 malachosticta 300 74 serratipetala 350 75 Sarawak 800 76 Anita sharad 2000 77 masoniana mountains 500 78 medora 300 79 lanternaria 300 80 variabilis 200 81 hloroneura 200 82 pseudolubbersii 300 83 kingiana 300 84 ningmingensis var Bella 300 85 formazan 300 86 Arabian sunset 300 87 gluar de Lorraine (pink flower) 400 88 Fista 200 89 Vietnam 2019 12. -118. 400 rub