We are the staff of TAKIMAKI CHANNEL⭐️ This time, we are trying something new for the first time... We filmed Takimaki in real time every day for a week! We've brought you up-close-and-personal one-day videos before, but the other day, Takimaki had a week where she had relatively free time, so we filmed her every day here and there... We are often together at work, but we don't always see her private life or exercise scenes, so to be honest, it was dizzying (lol) (Even a week where she had some free time!) A model, a mother, a wife... No matter how many pairs of shoes she wears, Takimaki never cuts corners in anything, so you definitely shouldn't try to imitate her (lol) But just watching her makes you think, "I'll do my best too!" Let's all experience a week at Takimaki together and get motivated for tomorrow ✨ (But don't push yourself too hard!) So please watch until the end ☺️ ----------------------------------------- Planning / filming / management: N-Line Co., Ltd. https://nline-mg.com/ Video editing / management support: MOJA Co., Ltd. https://moja-inc.jp/ -----------------------------------------