6:39 nuance about the power supply 9:12 about the op amp 18:12 AK filters 21:04 about the AK, sabra, pcm 29:37 comparison measurements On Radiodetails Financial assistance Sberbank card 4276 1300 2907 2448 addition to the video • JRC4558 in AK4493 addition 1) Power supply on lm317/337 for the 12-0-12 line If the HF frequencies seem too ringing / harsh with those op amps that I listed not counting op249, it is better to replace the diodes with 1n4007 (in general, to your ear and in your system) https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=IXvvU6k Diodes 1n4007 diotec Germans https://www.chipdip.ru/product/1n4007 2) power supply for 5V https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=0XvvUNM 3) DAC comes with a cable, jumpers, and a pathentiometer for adjusting the sound included! Not everyone has it like that... https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=b1vvUX9 4) r-core transformer pins 15-0-15 and 7v (or 9v) A reserve of several volts of the transformer is needed for the correct power supply of the op amp 12v bipolar and for powering the DAC single-polar 5v Check with the seller the product at the link changes for some reason https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=s8MRU1z 5) amanero https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=VfvvUw8 6) original operational amplifiers Maxim opampaudio https://www.avito.ru/user/f44c6c1294f... 7) spdif Nvarcher AK4118 receiver board https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=aJzkUwj