Today with a new format! Jew's harp - fiber & fabric! In addition to the usual Jew's harp podcast, we present you "Jew's harp - fiber & fabric"! Together with Dr. Melanie Burgemeister from the textile studio Faser & Stoff, Dominik Huber "Der Pärbinger Ritter" explores the exciting and extensive topic of textiles and clothing in the Middle Ages. Stay tuned! Not just for A-popes! In the first episode, we approach the topic in a relaxed manner, talk about the living history and re-enactment hobby, about dress codes, about text sources and Melanie has 5 quick tips for all hobby medieval tailors and those who want to become one! Many, many thanks to Jonathan Frey & Jeannine Frey-Gloor! They provided the fantastic music! Check them out at https://www.mittelalter-spielluet.ch/ Mentioned in the podcast: ICOM terms for clothing: ICOM International Committee for the Museums and Collections of Costume: Vocabulary of basic terms for cataloguing costume. In: Waffen- und Kostümkunde (1982), pp. 119*151. Essay on the processing of the Greenland finds: Netherton, Robin: The View from Herjolfsnes. Greenland's Translation of the European Fitted Fashion. In: Medieval Clothing and Textiles. Volume 4 (2008), pp. 143*172. The following books are mentioned in the podcast*: Melanie Burgemeister Clothes - Culture - Order: Cultural ordering systems in dress codes from Nuremberg, Regensburg and Landshut between 1470 and 1485 https://amzn.to/2YpA710 Conference proceedings on terms for clothing: Appelt, Heinrich (ed.): Terminology and typology of medieval material goods: The example of clothing. (Publications of the Institute for Medieval Realia Studies in Austria. Volume 10). Vienna 1988. https://amzn.to/3f89LXX Woven into the Earth: Textile Finds in Norse Greenland https://amzn.to/2MDFCTZ Medieval Garments Reconstructed https://amzn.to/3dJVZur Wolfram von Eschenbachs Parzival https://amzn.to/37cm4Q3 *The links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you buy here via these links, I will receive a commission through the referral, but this will incur NO additional costs for you! You are supporting the channel! This will finance the web space for the podcast, for example. Thank you :)