As a butcher, Timo has to get to work every day - 40 hours a week. His trade: He puts parts of the pig through the meat grinder, fills sheep's intestines or tries his hand at new vegetarian sausage creations. His boss in the family business is his father Frank. The country butcher's shop has a turnover of €1 million a year. But is it really a golden trade? In fact, the family business is fighting to survive and it is only because everyone from grandma to grandchildren helps out that the shop is running. After training as a butcher, Timo got his master's degree straight away. At the end of the month, however, he only gets paid €1,301. He would earn more elsewhere and would have to help out less "for free". But the 21-year-old wants to take over the butcher's shop at some point. That's why he makes sausages with heart and creativity so that the small family business in Lower Franconia survives. Is it worth it? #Craftsmanship #Butcher #Salary This is "Is it worth it?": One person, one job, one life. And at the end of the question: is it worth it? We accompany people in their jobs and show their lives. Is it worth it to work for a salary and use it to finance your own life? What makes me happy about work? We don't just compare salaries, we show how people live from their work. We are always looking for protagonists: If you also want to show how you live with your job, you can write to [email protected]! On a personal note: We are not infallible either - and although we make every effort to present every individual financial situation clearly, correctly and understandably, we sometimes need help. The Bavarian State Association of Tax Advisors and Auditors always provides us with competent support in this - thank you very much for that! Camera: Maximilian Hirschfeld Editor: Adrian Vogler Author: Lena Appel Editor-in-chief: Lisa Dimmerling, Christian Orth, Benedikt Angermeier Editors: Anna Siefert, Anna Ellmann Fancy exciting documentaries & reports or cool series & films? Then check out the ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/Start-ARD-Mediathek