Part 1 (1/2) - By JBRuiz from Aefona JBRuiz, Alicante 1966. Self-taught and vocational nature photographer and writer. Winner of many awards in international competitions. Judge specializing in Nature at an international level in 12 prestigious competitions. The only Spanish jury member in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He belongs to or is an honorary member of 11 photography collectives. He teaches at an international level, provides training and is the author of 14 books. He recently co-authored the book Canon Europe on the use of the brand's material, which is given away with the purchase of a camera. Major projects: cienporciennatural.es/ objetivopuravida.org/ blog.paisajesdemar.com/ Member of the prestigious ILCP, International League of Conservation Photographers. josebruiz.com es.wikipedia.org/wiki/José_Benito_Ruiz