This video assumes that you have already made an effort to read the handout and in particular the concepts of directed graphs, shortest paths, absorbing circuits. This is only an example of application of the algorithm. Some comments on this video: For the sake of simplicity, we have not included the recording of the predecessors (matrix ???? of the poly) which allows to reconstruct an optimal solution. At the moment when ????[????,????] is updated, we can keep the memory that on the new shortest path, the predecessor of ???? is ???? and record: ????[????,????]=???? In the graph used as an example, the source vertex ???? has no predecessors. It could have some and if there is an absorbing circuit passing through ???? then the value of ????[????,????] could become negative. The algorithm remains correct. Since ???? has no predecessors in this example, the value ????[????,????] will remain at 0 throughout. The set of predecessors is sometimes noted Γ−1(????) or Γ−(????). We have retained Γ−(????) in this video. Another short video on Bellman-Ford: Understanding the optimality of the algorithm: • 2- Bellman-Ford algorithm: Ideas ... Contact: Nicolas Catusse and Hadrien Cambazard