[Advertisement] Get the LAUNCH CRP 129 EVO for only 279 EUR - absolute lowest price! The diagnostic device is available in the promotion until August 28, 2022 in the FabuCar shop - the free platform for hobby mechanics, car lovers and drivers: https://fabucar-shop.de/Launch-CRP-12... There is also an exclusive free online training course on the device for all FabuCar users! If you are not yet a user, it is best to download the FabuCar app and create an account (all free!). Here you can solve errors together with more than 100,000 FabuCar users and exchange ideas on many different car topics: iOS: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/fabucar... Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Not in the mood for FabuCar? Go directly to the shop here: www.fabucar-shop.de ---------------------- An Opel Astra J (1.4 Turbo, 2011, 103 kW, 151,000 km) sounds like a tractor, has a glowing engine control light and uses up endless amounts of oil. The car blows air out when the oil cap is opened. But where does the pressure come from? The trail quickly leads to the intake manifold, where a small but important part is missing. And what that means for the customer is hard to believe... A Toyota Aygo (2014, 50 kW, 110,000 km) also has a problem with the clutch. It is so stiff that you can hardly press the pedal. And the modern Aygo (2014) still has a clutch cable. Is that broken? Or is the problem somewhere else? ---------------------- 0:00 Opel Astra oil consumption 9:08 Toyota Aygo clutch 17:20 Opel Astra - Part 2 21:26 Toyota clutch - Part 2 ---------------------- Click here to go to the webshop: https://die-autodoktoren.tv/ The Autodoktoren on Facebook: / dieautodoktoren The Autodoktoren on Instagram: / die_autodoktoren