Dear viewers, we are broadcasting the conversation that is triggering the Wokeria like nothing else at the moment. Yours, Thomas Many thanks to https://kontrafunk.radio/de for the simultaneous translation! Preview image created with AI/Grok Website: https://www.digitaler-chronist.com Please subscribe to our alternative channels odysee, Bitchute, rumble: https://odysee.com/@Digitaler.Chronist:8 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TIIW... https://rumble.com/user/DigitalerChro... Digitaler Chronist on Telegram: https://t.me/DigitalChronist All our channels on one page, please follow us on the other platforms too, you never know... https://www.digitaler-chronist.com/al... If you would like to support our work... Bank details: N26 Thomas Grabinger IBAN: DE76 1001 1001 2624 5985 47 BIC: NTSBDEB1XXX Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/digitalerchronist With Apple Pay or credit card at Stripe https://buy.stripe.com/cN229tfIdb749K... Bitcoin: 3Mq26ouX6QZAQcyyb79hjPjFcrgENBVBec #DigitalerChronist, #DC #CO2istLeben, #WachAuf, #ausGEZahlt Background: Own production This is political satire. If anyone feels offended, I apologize!