The role that the internet and social media play in our lives today is undeniable. Being disconnected is like becoming invisible, apart from the world. But while on the one hand technologies make our lives easier, broaden our horizons, allow us to work remotely and connect with people in different parts of the world, on the other hand, they can become a trap, especially for our mental health. For this reason, social media is the subject of research in numerous countries, which reach similar conclusions when they closely study users of large networks: the more we seek perfection on digital platforms and neglect reality, the unhappier we become. But what is the solution? What is the middle path? How can we protect ourselves and 'belong' in this environment in a healthier way without being so easily manipulated? Philosophy can point the way towards emotional strengthening and evolution, which can only be achieved through the arduous construction of our inner life. In this context, the Socratic idea that true knowledge comes from within is more relevant than ever. For this important and current reflection, the #05 edition of “Pauta e Prosa – redes sociais: autoestima e dependence” received the prestigious philosophy professor Lúcia Helena Galvão, volunteer of the International Organization New Acropolis, who teaches philosophy in the classical way and who is also a speaker; poet; writer and scriptwriter of the plays “A Voz do Silêncio”, adapted from the book of the same name by Helena Blavatsky and “O Profeta”, based on the work of Khalil Gibran, currently showing in São Paulo. Participation: Professor Lúcia Helena Galvão @profluciahelenagalvao New Acropolis Brazil @novaacropolebrasilnorte Agenda: Caio Canavieira @caiocanavieira Production: Nat Gallego @_natgallego Intern: Rodrigo Nava @ro_nava Image Editing: Vinícius Saccomani @vina_saccomani Audio and Image Direction: Guilherme Romero @djguiromero and João Lefèvre @jplefvre_ Journalism Management: Valeska Quintela @valeka_jornalismo