This is an excellent method for practicing solfeggio in tune in the C Major scale. The key of C Major has no sharps or flats, so practicing in C Major is ideal for learning the basics of many musical concepts that with practice will become great strengths for any musical performer of any instrument or for singing (Vocal Technique). You can download the PDFs of these exercises from our website: academiamundodelamusica.com/recursos/ Practice the full video. Below I will put when the different sections of this video begin: TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO 0:00 Introduction and initial recommendations 1:45 How the notes of the C Major scale are written (C) 3:24 How the notes of the C Major scale are heard (C) 5:07 Ascending C Major scale without help, so that they do it alone 5:41 Ascending and descending C Major scale with guide 6:22 Ascending and descending C Major scale without help 8:45 Note recognition exercise with guide 16:36 Note recognition exercise without help 25:51 First intoned reading exercise with help 33:37 First intoned reading exercise without help 40:54 More advanced music reading exercise with help 44:12 More advanced music reading exercise without help 48:05 Final music reading exercise with fragments of popular melodies and with help 53:37 Final music reading exercise with fragments of popular melodies and without help The following is the list of fragments of popular melodies that were used in the last exercise: 1- Minue in G by JS Bach 2- Cielito Lindo 3- Gloria in excelsis Deo (Villancico) 4- Rudolph, the rednosed reindeer 5- Do Re Mi 6- Swanee river 7- Over the rainbow 8- Rin Rin (Villancico) 9- Jarrito marino (Little brown jug) 10- El limonar 11- Tutaina (Villancico) 12- Las nochecitas CONTENT OF THIS CHANNEL: 001 - PLAY THE GUABINA RHYTHM ON THE GUITAR. 002 - PLAY THE ARGENTINE ZAMBA RHYTHM ON THE GUITAR. 003 - SCALES AND KEYSTATES. LEARN IT ONCE AND FOR ALL. 004 - SCALES AND KEYSTATES. SHORT REVIEW VIDEO. THIS VIDEO WAS RE-ISSUED WITH NUMBER 030 DUE TO SOUND PROBLEMS. 005 - MY GENERATION. SCORE AND AUDIO OF THE BASS IN D MAJOR. 006 - TENTH GRADE. TUTORIAL FOR KEYBOARDS AT 70% OF THE ORIGINAL SPEED. 007 - LEARN TO HANDLE THE FIGURE ONCE AND FOR ALL. 008 - LEARN TO DEDUCE NEW CHORDS ON THE PIANO, LIKE A PROFESSIONAL. 009 - LEARN TO DEDUCE NEW CHORDS ON THE GUITAR. 010 - WHAT IS THE USE OF KNOWING HOW TO SCALE AND KEY SIGNATURES. 011 - SUPER COMPLETE INTERVALS COURSE - FOR BEGINNERS. 012 - LEARN HOW TO CHANGE CHORDS ON EASY AND DIFFICULT SONGS. 013 - NEW SUPER COMPLETE MUSIC READING COURSE FOR BEGINNERS. 014 - LEARN HOW TO MAKE BEATS, JUST LIKE PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS DO. 015 - SOLFEGGIE EXERCISES FOR DAILY PRACTICE. 016 - HOW TO CHANGE STRINGS ON A GUITAR AND HOW TO TUNE IT. 017 - INDEPENDENCE, SPEED, PRECISION AND GOOD SOUND FOR PIANISTS AND KEYBOARD PLAYERS. 018 - SHARPS, FLATS AND NATURAL KEYS. WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW THEY WORK. 019 - RECOGNIZE THE BEATS OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS. 020 - VIRTUAL SUMMER CONCERT 2020. 021 - HOW TO GET THE CHORDS OF SONGS. VIDEO 1 OF 3. 022 - HOW TO GET THE CHORDS OF SONGS. VIDEO 2 OF 3. 023 - VIRTUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT 2020. 024 - SINGING SOLFEGGIE PRACTICE IN THE KEY OF C MAJOR. Virtual and in-person classes with our team of teachers for students anywhere in the world. Information: WhatsApp +57 310 8836824. Mundo de la Música Academy. Bogotá Colombia. Founded north of Bogotá in early 1986. Personalized music education school for children and adults of all ages. All you need is a love of music, of learning, of enjoying it. Leaders in music education for nearly four decades. In-person and virtual classes with teachers specialized in each of them: piano, vocal technique - singing, keyboard (organ), saxophone, violin, bass, ukulele, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, drums and flute. We work with classical and popular repertoire. Bi-annual concerts with our students. You can see our latest virtual concerts on our website: https://www.amundomu.com/conciertos/ In-person and virtual classes with a private teacher. Musical teaching with Japanese pedagogy: practical and didactic. Teaching experience of more than 40 years. Whoever begins to learn music correctly experiences a change in their life: their mental processing speed begins to generously enhance from the moment they begin to do so. My social networks: www.facebook.com/amundomu @amundomu https://www.amundomu.com WhatsApp: +57 3108836993