VIRTUAL INDIVIDUAL CLASSES WITH THE TEACHERS OF THE MUNDO DE LA MUSIC ACADEMY. Information: WhatsApp +57 3108836824. After four months of preparation, we present this video with which you will be able to acquire a lot of knowledge regarding music reading for any musical instrument. It is something different from everything you already know, because little by little it introduces popularly known music into the process. It will be fun and practical. I am sure you will enjoy it a lot. 0:00:00 Greeting and welcome 0:01:15 The duration figures 0:02:28 Trick to learn how to measure durations 0:02:53 Let's start: practice with black notes saying the syllable Tan 0:04:24 First exercise, using black notes 0:05:52 The black silence 0:06:17 Exercise with black notes and black silences 0:07:36 The white note, a duration figure that is worth two beats. It has to be done correctly. 0:08:22 Exercise with white notes 0:09:18 The white silence 0:10:16 Practice exercise with everything seen so far 0:10:56 The whole note 0:12:06 The whole note silence 0:12:41 Three fragments of super famous songs that you are going to read with your voice 0:15:19 Dotted figures 0:16:25 Ligatures 0:20:36 The eighth notes 0:23:15 Practice with eighth notes in pairs 0:23:57 Single eighth notes 0:25:35 Exercise with everything seen using a fragment of a very well-known song 0:26:03 White notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, dotted notes for a famous Christmas song 0:26:47 Repetition and jumping elements 0:29:12 Quarter notes with dotted eighth notes. Trick to do it perfectly 0:31:40 Song that we can play using this trick 0:32:36 Sixteenth notes 0:33:15 Practice with quarter notes, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes 0:34:12 Practice with fragments of famous songs that use all of these 0:37:16 Combinations of eighth notes with quarter notes and sixteenth notes 0:38:32 Review of everything seen 0:41:12 Triplets This video helps you improve your music reading through spoken rhythmic solfege. It involves reading whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, dots, ties, triplets, and rests. You will learn all of these concepts in a didactic and enjoyable way. CONTENT OF THIS CHANNEL FROM 001 TO 050: 001 - PLAY THE GUABINA RHYTHM ON THE GUITAR. 002 - PLAY THE ARGENTINE ZAMBA RHYTHM ON THE GUITAR. 003 - SCALES AND KEY SIGNATURES. LEARN IT ONCE AND FOR ALL. 004 - SCALES AND KEY SIGNATURES. SHORT REVIEW VIDEO. THIS VIDEO WAS RE-ISSUED WITH NUMBER 030 DUE TO SOUND PROBLEMS. 005 - MY GENERATION. SCORE AND AUDIO OF THE BASS IN D MAJOR. 006 - TENTH GRADE. TUTORIAL FOR KEYBOARDS AT 70% OF THE ORIGINAL SPEED. 007 - LEARN TO HANDLE KEYCORDING ONCE AND FOR ALL. 008 - LEARN TO DEDUCE NEW CHORDS ON THE PIANO, LIKE A PROFESSIONAL. 009 - LEARN TO DEDUCE NEW CHORDS ON THE GUITAR. 010 - WHAT IS THE GOOD USE OF KNOWING HOW TO CLIMB AND ARMOURS. 011 - SUPER COMPLETE INTERVALS COURSE - FOR BEGINNERS. 012 - LEARN TO CHANGE THE CHORDS OF EASY AND DIFFICULT SONGS. 013 - NEW SUPER COMPLETE MUSIC READING COURSE FOR BEGINNERS. Academia Mundo de la Música Personalized music teaching since 1986 north of Bogotá Colombia Carrera 8A 107-25 Cell phone: +57 310 8836824 Email: [email protected] Visit our website: https://amundomu.com/ Children and adults are welcome to our classes. The following are our best videos: • 050 SOLFEO FOR EVERYONE: BEGINNERS ... (Video N°050 Fun solfeo for beginners and advanced) • 049- THE SOUND OF SILENCE - LEARN IT ... (Video N° 049 - The sounds of silence) • 048 - AMOR PASAJERO - SEBASTIÁN YATRA ... (Video N° 048 - Amor pasajeros - Yatra) • 047 - DOS CATERERS - FÁCIL Y RÁPIDO ... (Video N°047 - Dos oruguitas - Learn to play it on guitar, ukulele and keyboards) • 046 ELECTRONIC ORGAN METHOD - NI ... (Video N° 046 - Electronic organ method - Lessons 4 and 5) • 045 ELECTRONIC ORGAN METHOD - NI... (Video No. 045 - Electronic organ method - Lessons 2 and 3) • 044 ELECTRONIC ORGAN METHOD - NI... (Video No. 044 - Electronic organ method - Lessons 0 and 1) • 043- ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU ... (Video No. 043 - All I want for Christmas is you - Version of our 2021 Virtual Christmas Concert, performed by students and teachers of the Mundo de la Música Academy.