The expert Kabbalah professor, Dr. Mario Javier Sabán, enlightens us in a masterful tour through the History of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah throughout the centuries. He also introduces us to the fundamental Concepts of Kabbalah and answers several questions from the audience. Conference details: Spirituality Workshop organized by the Federation for Universal Peace. Espacio Ronda. Madrid 07/19/2019 This video also includes a short documentary on the History of Kabbalah made for TV by the History channel (01:32:26). ⭐ So that you don't miss any of Mario Sabán's videos, we have created a playlist dedicated exclusively to Mario Sabán's teachings: • ???? Mario Sabán . Save the list now to always be up to date!! ???? #KabbalisticHeartbeats #heartbeats20 #HEARTBEATSthatMOVEtheHEART #DREAMSmadeREALITY #cabala #kabbalah #kabala #kabbalah #treeoflife #treeoflife #thetreeoflife #thetreeoflife #MarioJavierSabán #MarioJavierSaban #MarioSabán #MarioSaban